546120Показано 13

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Korean car shock absorber,


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Описание продукта

Front shock absorber mount

Suspension struts are located above each of the four wheels of the vehicle. The lower part they are attached to the steering knuckle, and the upper part to the body. The top mount can be seen by opening the bonnet. On both sides of the engine compartment there are two large bulges calledglasses”. In the center of each there are metal plates with a nut in the center.


ХЕНДАЙ: 546111P000, 546111J000, 5461207000
КИА: 5461207000, 546111J000, 546111P000, 546111W000, 546111Y000


корейская машина: ACCENT III (MC), ACCENT III седан (MC), ATOS (MX), COUPE (ГК) , CRETA , GETZ (TB) , i10 (бакалавр, IA) ,i10 (PA) , i20 (GB) , i20 (PB, PBT) , i20 ACTIVE (GB) ,i20 купе (GB),i30 (ФД),i30 (ГД),IONIQ (AE) , ix20 (Джей Си), ix35 (ЛМ, ОН, ЭЛХ) ,МАТРИЦА (ФК) , SOLARIS IV (Угловой контакт) , SOLARIS IV седан (Угловой контакт),ТУСОН (TL), VELOSTER (ФС),CEE’D (JD), PICANTO (бакалавр) , PICANTO (JA),PICANTO (TA) , RIO II (JB) ,RIO II седан (JB),RIO III (UB), RIO III седан (UB) ,RIO IV (YB) ,SOUL (ЯВЛЯЮСЬ),VENGA (В)

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